Live Life Lightly Blog

What would happen if before you made any major decisions you first thought about who you are?
The situations in my life that give me the most trouble are the ones where I come away feeling like I have not been genuine or connected to my true self. If I go to an event and end up not...
What are you doing that you feel obliged to do and what can you do about it?
They say that "how you do one thing is how you do everything". I find that hard to relate to as I see that it depends more on my energy level throughout the day than anything else.
What do I appreciate most about myself?
Are the things I appreciate and focus on in line with who I am?
What would it feel like to go to bed feeling peaceful and appreciative of what I did today?
I love questions. We create our lives with questions. The things we ask...
Just before you go to sleep, think back on a beautiful memory from your life. It can be big or small, way in the past or have happened today. Anything that puts a smile on your face. As you are going off to sleep, imagine you are in that moment. Feel the feelings, see, in...
Tiny shifts in the things that we do can make all the difference these are you talking to yourself?
Are you telling yourself about all the things you have got to do? Are you putting yourself under more pressure than you need to? There is so much stress in the world at the...
When I sleep well I feel amazing and obviously the opposite it true . I have a few really simple tips for a good night's sleep that I thought I would share.
The first one is to ask your angels or guides to help you sleep well and keep away any bad dreams. Sometimes I go through phases...
****wash your hands before you watch the video****
I meant to say it first but I forgot until a couple of minutes in!
I was in a Dr Seuss frame of mind a week or so ago and posted the quote on Instagram and Facebook
"You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can...
Read this first (or at least skim it!) then follow along with the video to raise your emotions to a level where you are thinking more clearly.
Wash your hands first!
I love questions, they are how we create our lives. We are endlessly asking ourselves questions in our heads in order to...
Have you ever let your mind get away from you? It is so easy to react to a situation and then go down a spiral of thought that has no basis in reality at all. You fall down the pretty colours of the spiral in the picture and end up in the darkness at the bottom.
I managed to...
Whatever we think about our lives, comes true. Our level of thinking comes directly from our energy levels. When our energy is high, out thinking is clearer and more positive but if our energy is low everything seems more difficult. I am sure you have experienced that.
When we...
Last week, it seemed like Facebook was full of chat about acts of kindness. I loved seeing all the posts. I even made a video about the small thing I do that no one notices and why that is important too.
Here is the link, if you want to spend two minutes watching it!
It is winter in Ireland...lots of rain but we have a choice as to how to react to it. Last week, I was talking about asking yourself is something true before you believe it, well rain is obviously true but how we feel about it is a choice. I love the rain, I remember being a child and...