Why was my neighbour ignoring me?

Have you ever let your mind get away from you? It is so easy to react to a situation and then go down a spiral of thought that has no basis in reality at all. You fall down the pretty colours of the spiral in the picture and end up in the darkness at the bottom.
I managed to catch myself at the beginning of one of these today. I was out walking my dog and I passed one of our neighbours walking the other way. She usually stops to chat for a minute but today she just said hi and carried on. A few paces later I realised that my mind had gone off of it's own accord. My monkey mind had taken over...
I was wondering if I had upset her some way and getting sucked into thinking mindlessly about what that could be. Luckily, with all the personal work I have done in the last twenty or so years, I had the awareness to stop myself before I let it get really out of control.
I stopped the flow of thoughts and decided to have a different meaning - that she was in a hurry on her walk and just had not time to stop. I also quickly realised that in any case it did not matter! We cannot control what other people think of us or we would never have time to do anything else.
The issue with this is that our mind is quick to find us the answers to what ever questions we are asking it. If I had asked "why is she ignoring me?" I am sure I could have come up with numerous reasons of things I may or may not have done in the past. As it is though, not only does it not matter as I see her very infrequently, but also, I will just be friendly as usual from now on and I am sure she will get over it (assuming it is true!).
The solutions is two fold, stay alert to your emotions and feelings and to ask yourself better questions. My favourite "better" question is "what else could this mean?". As I said you mind is quick to get you the answers, so if you let it you can have three or four different meanings and then pick the one that makes you feel best.
All of these reactions are created by blocks in your energy field which brings your energy level down. Whether you have a soul realignment session, try modern energy tapping or do my whole coaching program, my aim is to help you release these blocks so life will be more fun. Our energy is supposed to flow like water, when we are at our best, our energy is flowing easily through our mind, body and energy field, we are able to deal with anything that comes our way regardless of the circumstances.
You probably have experience of this in your own life. Think of a time when you were doing something you loved. Time seemed to fly and because your energy was high any challenges that might have come up seemed much easier to overcome. On the other side, when you let your energy get too low, life seems so much more difficult. This can start from either direction, we can tell ourselves that something is difficult and that lowers our energy level and makes that true or we can start something with low energy and it will be more difficult.
So...before you do anything, check in with yourself and ask what is my energy level? If it is low, do something simple to raise your energy...you can go for a quick walk, bounce in your seat for a minute (that really works!) or just breathe consciously in and out of your heart and remember, if your thoughts are getting you down ask yourself "what else can this mean?".