Live Life Lightly Blog

This is one of the most powerful things we can say to someone else...tell me a story or ask them for something good that has happened to them recently.
Remembering a positive event in your life and telling someone about it is so energy raising. Try it and see how it feels. Does it...
What is your energy level like at the moment? On a scale of -10 tp +10. Where do you think you are? The first number that pops into your mind is probably the right one. Does it surprise you? If it is lower than you would like do something simple to raise your...
Wayne Dyer said “We are not human beings in search of a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings emersed in a human experience.”
We start as souls wanting to experience being human. The being human is the important bit, we are here to express who we really are but in a...
The most important thing we can check before we start something is the weather...only kidding! But actually weather is really important in Ireland as it changes frequently . You can tell from the picture I took in the Wicklow mountains.
Are you creating the life you want? It is not...
They say that how you do one thing is how you do everything but I would have to disagree. It all depends on your energy level.
When you look at your energy level and see how you feel that will tell you how you will behave. Have a look at the picture above. This gives you a clue...
Are you focusing on your problems rather than the possibilities?
We can get caught up in our problems and feel like they define who we are.
Problems are a sign of life!
Unfortunately this is a reality. We all have problems. Some are big, some are small. How you look...
I am planning a great week, this week. I have set my intentions for all to be well and for me to live easily and effortlessly to whatever comes my way. I am feeling really good about what i am doing, I have found the balance in my life and am working on getting all the levels of my...
Do you have to do it for 21 days, 66 days, forever before it becomes automatic? There are loads of studies out there on starting a new habit.
I can tell you that it is not about the number of days, it is all about making it part of who you are...
Sean Covey says. “Depending on...
There is so much going on at the moment in the world it is hard not to be led off track by your thoughts, emotions and just the circumstances of your life.
There are things I usually do this time of year that are just not happening and I find it really disconcerting that I can't make any...
Bounce-back-ability is something I have been struggling with for years. I would be on a great path toward my future and some small or large thing would come along and knock me off course with little or no effort. This would happen in all areas of my life. I could be perfectly happy one minute and...
How is your inner critic doing these days? And your outer critic for that matter? There are three things we all judge endlessly, whether we want to or not.
Other people
It is, in fact, pretty hard to get through life without doing this. The toughest I have found at...
I regularly check in with the people I love to see how they are doing, particularly at the moment when I can't see them in person but it had not occurred to me to do the same with myself.
I always heard about the benefits of journaling and if you have downloaded my Marvellous Mornings mini course...