How is your bounce-back-ability?

Bounce-back-ability is something I have been struggling with for years. I would be on a great path toward my future and some small or large thing would come along and knock me off course with little or no effort. This would happen in all areas of my life. I could be perfectly happy one minute and then focusing only on the negative the next.
All my learnings were only in my head and my mental body and I was not using them to help my emotional or my physical body. In the last couple of months, I managed to help myself greatly. I started to really use all the techniques that I have and make them part of my identity. I am feeling more congruent and my bounce-back-ability has shot through the roof.
Anything we want to do starts as a thought, when we get into doing it, we start to have emotions regarding it. It can feel good or bad. The final stage of this is when your new habit becomes part of your identity and it is really grounded in your physical body. I have found this recently with my physical health...I had the idea that I should get healthier but I had been putting it off for ages. Finally, I started, As I carried on I found it was working. I was feeling better so I got great feedback in my emotions about what I was doing. My emotions got really caught up with my health, luckily in a positive way. Now I cannot imagine a day where I do not workout and get in at least 10,000 steps. Now my bounce-back-ability in relation to exercise is really high. If I have a bad day, I just get up the next day and do my workout.
So, how do you increase bounce-back-ability?
- Add emotions to everything you do! What emotions do you feel when you don't do whatever it is? What emotions do you feel when you do it? How good does it make you feel to get on with the things you need to do. Give yourself 90 seconds to feel bad and then change it! You can use your mind or your body to change your emotions.
- Keep your energy high! This is much easier to do than you would think - you can clap and give yourself a cheer, bounce in your chair or my favourite when I have a few minutes, use modern energy tapping. You can literally tap using the word for anything that makes you happy. I worked with someone a couple of weeks ago who wanted to tap on running. I do run occasionally but it would not be my favourite thing to it. It was fascinating, as we both tapped and said "running" with each of the points, I could feel my energy rise too. That is also the cool thing about tapping with someone else, you borrow their benefits and they borrow yours so the sum of the energy in the tapping is more than added to. By the end, I was nearly convinced I wanted to go for a run!
- Lastly, another way to increase your bounce-back-ability is to catch yourself when your inner judge starts to talk over. We all have one of these and they are one of the first things that kick in if something goes wrong. Our inner judge is lying to us and making us believe it is keeping us safe from harm but most of the time, it is just stopping us moving forward. When you can catch yourself before it goes to far, it is much easier to get started again.
If you want to learn to use modern energy tapping in just s few minutes, sign up for my free Marvellous Mornings mini course. You will learn an amazing technique to help you through any tough time in just a few minutes and get my favourite journal questions to ask yourself daily to get yourself into a state where life flows much easier.
Final quick story...
When I started thinking about bounce-back-ability today, the first thing that popped into my mind was a science experiment that my son was doing when he was little. We had a book of science ideas that he was reading. The idea was to get a large ball and a small ball, put the small ball on top of the big one and then drop them together. They would both bounce back but the small one would shoot off much further. We tried this in the garden a few times and it was really exciting (particularly if you are aged 5!). So, we called my husband down from work to see what we had learned. Unfortunately he stood in just the wrong spot....the two balls were dropped and the tennis ball, shot off at speed and hit him just where it would hurt the most! I think we laughed more than he cried but it was certainly a memory that will not be erased from my mind anytime soon (it was about 16 years ago, so you can see that it is likely to be a story I tell, many years to come!).