Live Life Lightly Blog

“Promise Yourself...
To be so strong that nothing
can disturb your peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness, and prosperity
to every person you meet.
To make all your friends feel
that there is something in them.
To look at the sunny side of everything
and make your optimism come true.
To think only...
It is said that we all dream, every night, whether we remember it or not. My father insisted he never dreamed. He had some major operations in the 1950's and never dreamed again after that. He used to tell me they had taken out his "dream box"!
Usually, when I am...
Hey, how are you?
It is exam season here, so the stress levels are high! Sometimes I feel like it would be easier to do them myself than to watch my son get stressed. Luckily he is open to all that I teach, so he does his tapping and we have cleared some of his issues with a Soul...
Hey, how are you?
We are finally in December! I love winter but it makes we want to stay at home and hibernate. Unfortunately that would not get me very far with all the things I am planning to do with my family and my business. This week I made a video about the Soul...
There are cameras everywhere these days. Cameras used to be special things. I remember how proud I was when I was about ten and my father let me use his camera. It was old even then and really complicated. I took lots of blurred photos of my cat which my dad then spent...
Hey, how are you?
So, it is almost Thanksgiving in the States. In Ireland we are just heading for Christmas. It seems like Christmas in the shops gets earlier and earlier every year. Kids had hardly gone back to school in September this year when my local grocery shop was full...
Hey, how are you?
It is World Kindness Day!
There are so many opportunities in life to be kind. I was reading a book yesterday and the difference between and optimist and a pessimist came up. The thing I found most incredible was that the researchers had found that if...
Hey, how are you?
I am planning a great week, this week. I have set my intentions for all to be well and for me to live easily and effortlessly to what ever comes my way.
My journalling this week
My main focus in the last few days in my journal was on the questions - What might stress me...
Hey, how are you?
Today is a Monday! I know Monday often does not feel like a good thing but I have discovered that that is a choice I am making. I have spent so many years feeling miserable and letting what happens in my life guide my feelings rather than choosing my emotions first.