Problems or possibilities - which of the P's are you looking at?

Are you focusing on your problems rather than the possibilities?
We can get caught up in our problems and feel like they define who we are.
Problems are a sign of life!
Unfortunately this is a reality. We all have problems. Some are big, some are small. How you look at these changes depending on how you feel. Are your big problems really as big as you think? One of the tough questions we have to ask ourselves is - who does this problem make me?
Then we can also ask:
- Have I had my problem so long that it has become part of my identity?
- Who would I be if I did not have this problem any more?
- What would I do with all the time I have freed up by not dwelling on my problem?
In the past, I have spent a lot of time thinking about my mother. She has been my biggest problem. The reason why I cannot do anything for myself. When I get into a routine, her health changes and my life changes with it. It has felt like any time I created something for myself in my life, something happened to her which derailed me. I let this be part of who I was. It became my biggest excuse to stay in my very comfortable comfort zone.
It was only when I started looking at the bigger picture, seeing who she was as a soul, on the 5th dimension, using Star Matrix, one of the major parts of my coaching program, that I connected to the reality of the issues. It was fascinating to see how everything changed for me as I put away all the rubbish I was telling myself. looked at my mother as the powerful creator of her own experience and told myself the truth - it was all a story!
Problems are also a way that we connect with other people. How many times have you sat down with a friend and discussed your problems? There is nothing wrong with this so long as you also discuss some solutions. As Mark Twain says
“The best way to cheer yourself is to try to cheer someone else up.”
When we feel we have a problem, this is a time when we need to look at all the dimensional levels of our energy field, before we try and solve it.
- What am I doing with my body? (third dimension)
- What are my emotions around this? (bridge between third and fourth dimension)
- Am I thinking clearly about the problem? (fourth dimension)
- Who do I need to be to fix this, who am I really, on a soul level and what would they do? (fifth dimension)
When we look at our problems from the top down, starting with your soul and who you truly are, life and your choices can be seen more clearly. As this becomes a bigger part of how you look at life, possibilities appear out of nowhere!
Photo by Jill Heyer on Unsplash