Love in our lives

We all need connection, even if we feel we are, or should be, completely independent, connection is really important. It is part of why we are here in a human body having the human experience.
Imagine if we always felt love and loved. What do you need for this to happen? What is happening when you don't feel like this? What has changed? Could it just be your thinking?
I have been doing a lot of reading this week since we were away on holidays. One of the things that really stuck with me, was when I read that your day doesn't create your mood; your mood creates your day. I live my life with intention, at least that is the plan! I get up in the mornings and meditate and journal, almost every day. When I get to the question in my journal "who do I love and who loves me" it is a great time to take a snapshot of my feelings. As Syd Banks says "Our feelings are the barometer of the soul...they let us know what mental weather to expect"! If my feelings are low, then the idea of loving someone can feel like an effort. It also seems unlikely, in these moments that anyone could love me. On the other hand, when I am happy, content and feeling congruent with my true self, loving others seems easy. Things that happen seem to bounce off me without taking their toll, and life flows.
I know in my heart that if I let go and let God, go with the flow, follow my intuition or any of the other phrases that you can think of around this, life is better. Unfortunately, as you probably know, it is more difficult to remember it in the moment. That is why it is important to take stock of our feelings, not make ourselves wrong for what ever we are feeling and move past them.
So when you ask yourself, "who do I love?" let this be a measure of the quality of your thinking. When the answer is "no one", take a few deep breaths and see what you need to change your state. By now, you may already know how important modern energy tapping is in my life. If you have not tried it, sign up for my free Marvellous Mornings course and get started. It is really simple and you can't get it wrong. When you use positive words and tap with them, you can change your thinking and outlook in only a few minutes. It is actually marvellous!
Once you are feeling better in yourself, you need to focus on loving yourself exactly as you are. We are all perfect and doing the best that we can in every moment. I am the person I am going to spend all my life with so I need to be happy about who I am. Usually the times that I am not happy are when I am not being true to myself. I know who I am on a soul level and that is who I should be showing to the world. Luckily, I do this nearly all of the time and I have learned to catch myself when I am going off track. Those negative emotions are the key...when they appear, I ask myself, what are they telling me about what I am thinking or making things mean? If I can catch myself before I got too far down the silly spiral of negative thinking, it is so much easier to get back to the innate state of wellbeing that is inside us all.
So, pay attention to your emotions and remember they are coming from your thinking about the outside world not from the outside world itself.
Photo by Iñaki del Olmo on Unsplash