A prayer for the New Year...

In seeking to transform our lives,
We ask for guidance and clarity.
We ask that we find our true purpose, our mission in life.
We ask for divine inspiration.
We ask to be of service.
We ask for help in releasing any old negative or limiting thought patterns.
We ask that our thoughts and actions unfold for the greater good of all people.
We ask that miracles unfold not only in our own lives, but in the lives of others.
We are thankful.
We ask for peace.
We ask for harmony.
We ask to make a difference in the world.
I love this prayer, I say it regularly. I was taught it many years ago and I have no idea who wrote it but it resonates with me. I hope you enjoy it and think about adding it to your daily routine for 2019. I have so many plans for my daily routine that I am not sure I will have time for an actually day! I am going to start with my usual journal questions from my Marvellous Mornings Mini Course and obviously some tapping. This is also going to be the year I get really regular with my meditation practice.
The major plan for me for 2019 is going to be gratitude. I intend to be grateful for all the good and the bad things that occur this year and take the learnings from them and move on. I will let you know how I am doing and the techniques I find that help.
Remember to Live Life Lightly!
Love from
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash