
Everywhere I looked people seemed to be picking words for their theme for the year. I have done this before and then promptly forgotten it! This year the first thing that came to mind was gratitude. If you have done my Marvellous Mornings FREE mini course you will know that my first morning question is - What am I grateful for? I picked Gratitude for my word this year almost by default, as I know I will not forget it.
I have had great fun with my journal (and making posts for instagram!) this week deciding what I am grateful for. It has ranged from Flapjack (my dog) to my cosy bed and also to all my gadgets. Where would we be these days without our phones?
I found that a big proportion of my gratitude seems to involve being comfortable and warm and hugs from my family. I did also have days where finding gratitude for anything seemed to be impossible but I persevered... these are the days we need to really put some effort into it. It is a great way to feel better about our lives. We can be grateful for the fact that our heart is beating, the ground is solid under our feet or that we have fresh water to drink...there is always something no matter how small.
The attitude of gratitude, raises our vibration and brings more of the same into our lives. If I am finding fault with everything I see, then more faults are what I will find. Our brain has to filter out some of the information that is coming into it or otherwise we could not function. So it filters out whatever our beliefs and attitudes make not important. So focus on the good and it will be easier to see the good in your life.
When you are doing an exercise like this it is important to not beat yourself up for how you feel. If you really cannot think of anything to be grateful for that is ok. Don’t make yourself wrong, just tell yourself that you will be bound to spot something as the day goes on. Then be grateful for the fact that you have just been kind to yourself! Set an alarm on your phone for later in the day so that you can think of something else. Maybe by then it will be easier. Did you have a choice of clothes to climb into before you went out? If not you probably have some way of washing them so that you have a choice of clean clothes tomorrow! Did someone smile at you today? This is a wonderful thing to be grateful for and even better if you can pass it on.
I love the way that gratitude makes me feel better about myself and my life. No matter what is going on, in the different parts of my life, I can always see the good side and that gets me through the tough times.
So I challenge you, for the next week, see if you can find four or five different things every day to be grateful for. This will give you a master list of over thirty things to look at, if you are feeling negative in the future. It really helps!