Changing how you think, changes EVERYTHING!

Hey, how are you?
Today is a Monday! I know Monday often does not feel like a good thing but I have discovered that that is a choice I am making. I have spent so many years feeling miserable and letting what happens in my life guide my feelings rather than choosing my emotions first.
A simple gift to give yourself every day
So I hope you got a chance to watch my free energy tapping video when you signed up for my newsletter. If not have a look and tap along with me.
The thing I love most about tapping is having the freedom to let it evolve as I tap.
I started this morning with the word “Energy”. After a couple of rounds, this changed to using the word “Power” for a couple of rounds. Half way through one of these rounds I changed it to “Personal Power”. This led me to a couple of rounds of “I can do anything!”. I finished off with “Clarity” as I have lots of work to do today. Now I am feeling great and ready to start my day!
None of this needs to feel like work or requires any great thought. The words will come naturally as you release unwanted energy from your body and fill yourself with the good feelings, just follow the energy and your intuition.
With a little bit of practice you can do this by yourself, however if you would like my expert help and guidance (there are so many possibilities!) simply set up a "clarity call" with the link at the bottom of this email and we can talk through how this can change your life completely, like it did mine.
Change your thoughts and you will change your life
Wayne Dyer said "When you change the way you look at things the things you look at change".
We got total confirmation of this principle when we were away on holidays. I was reading Byron Katie's amazing book Loving What Is. There is a story in there that I was sharing with my son since I thought it was so cool! She explains how she let her thoughts run away with her. In the story she goes to use the bathroom. As she goes in, another lady comes out of the stall. They smile at each other. As she turns around she realises that the toilet seat is really wet. Her happiness turns to all sorts of thoughts which cumulate in the idea that the "lady" must be a "man" as no one else could get the seat that wet unless they were standing up while they were using the toilet!
She cleans the seat and then flushes the toilet while complaining to herself and letting go of her happiness. As it flushes she realises that the water from the toilet has splashed on the seat and she is back where she started. Of course Byron Katie is aware enough to laugh at herself and where she let her thoughts take her. (Obviously she tells this in much more detail, read the book for the whole story and her life changing technique).
So back to my holiday, my son went to the bathroom. After he flushed the toilet, the spray made the seat wet. He kindly wiped it down and tossed the damp toilet paper in the bowl. Obviously he did not flush again as it was just one piece of paper and the same problem would occur! As he was washing his hands a man went into the stall. He obviously saw the paper and assumed my son had not flushed the toilet. He stormed out, glared at my son and stomped off.
We laughed when we talked about it afterwards. Matthew had done a good deed and it was taken so badly. We all make up our lives in our heads and we have the choice about how to feel in any moment. The man in my story went away grumpy and in need of a bathroom where he could have actually been delighted that the toilet was nice and clean for him.
The other amazing thing about this was that instead of being upset that a stranger glared at him in a bathroom, my son came out smiling!
Don't let your imagination take away your joy.
Remember to Live Life Lightly!
Love from
Photo by Brendan Church on Unsplash