Words create our life

When I tapped this morning I used the words clarity, love and light. They felt necessary to me in the moment, I needed their energy for today. The words we choose to create our lives are so important. They have vibrations of their own and each of them is making us feel better or worse.
How are you feeling now, right at this moment? What have you been telling yourself so far today? Are you being kind to yourself and to others? What words are in your head that you are directing at yourself and what words are you saying to the people around you?
It is easy to fall into the stories we have about ourselves and others in our lives but they are all perception. Usually how you feel about another person is a direct reflection of yourself. Do you feel someone else said something nasty? Why did it resonate with you? Do you feel there is some truth there or do you have an energy block? We can take on these words and let them affect our lives or we can let them flow through our energy field without hindering them.
We have all created many energy blocks in our energy fields and bodies as we live our lives. These then create the things we are more sensitive to or that cause us pain. I know I react more strongly when my mother criticises me. It is usually in relation to my hair. It is interesting because if someone else tells me I need a haircut, my reaction would be to agree or disagree and let it go. When my mother tells me the same thing, I take it as proof that she does not care about my feelings, when in fact, the opposite is true, she is telling me out of love. Not only that but the energy blocks in relation to this are hers too as she is still upset that someone criticised her hair when she was about seven (eighty five years ago!). The energy blocks caused by careless words can affect us forever. Luckily modern energy tapping is one of the best ways to clear them. Look at my free Marvellous Mornings Mini Course to learn how.
Words can hurt and words can heal so we need to treat them with respect. They create the meaning in our lives, they are not easily forgotten. They give us a reason to get up in the mornings. If I tell myself that I am not able for something (this is one of my re-occurring beliefs, which I work on regularly) then I am much more likely to take a few more minutes to stay in bed or to generally feel tired. If I think of reasons why I am excited for my day, I will get up with joy.
Try spending some time every morning making sure you are being your best self today. How does he/she behave and speak? What is important to them? Asking yourself how would your best self respond is an interesting way to live. Set yourself up every morning by thinking about the things that will happen during your day and journal for a few minutes on how your best self would respond to these circumstances. Then take a few more minutes in the evening to see how it went. Were there moments in your day where you did not respond like your best self? Remember, don't beat yourself up. You are looking to learn not criticise yourself. Was there a moment where you thought badly of someone or said something that does not feel great in retrospect? How would you have liked to respond? Would this response be kind or right?
It is tempting to tell people what we think of them sometimes. Particularly if we perceive them as being mean. I often fall into this with my mother and the haircut conversations but I stop myself. I will do no good by telling her, mostly as she will forget again anyway. It is my choice how to react, my life is created by my words in my head and not by her.
And finally, the usual advice before speaking...THINK!
Is it True,
Is it Helpful,
Is it Inspirational,
Is is Necessary and
Is it Kind.
Photo by Thomas Kelley on Unsplash