It didn't kill me - it was fun...

Facebook live is scary! I am doing a challenge this week and I have to do a Facebook Live video everyday. It felt like I was sitting on a lonely chair under a spotlight. This is something I want to do but I was putting off didn't kill me! In fact it was fun! I could get addicted to them so follow my on my Facebook page as I will start to do some Facebook live videos there later this week!
My challenge was to talk about a time in my life I was proud of. I have a tendency to be really hard on myself so this was more difficult than I could possibly imagine. In the end, I realised that I am most proud of the fact that I am me! I know who I am and I know when I am not being authentic as it feels awful.
So what are you most proud of in your life? Things that you have done yourself... I could think of lots of things that my son or my husband had done that I was a part of but very little I had done myself. This was a huge realisation for me. Then I remembered, that is part of who I am. That is what I choose to do with my life. I love my life.
I listened to a fascinating audio this weekend about end of life. According to this research, the only things we remember at the end of our lives are the good things...the proud moments. These are what creates the healing events where we grow in our lives. This is also what modern energy tapping can do for us. We are focused on the positives in our lives and feeling them in every moment. So, as the saying goes, if you are going to laugh later...why wait?
Spend some time this week, focusing on what you have done in your life that you are proud of. I am sure there is more than you think...
Photo by Keagan Henman on Unsplash