Would you like a quick healing holiday?

Our energy body and mind cannot tell the difference between something that actually happens or something we imagine. This is one of the reasons it is important to focus on what you want in your life and not what you don't want.
So today I am posting a link to a quick audio exercise where we go on a healing/destressing holiday (or vacation, if you are in the US!).
Holidays are great for the soul and body. Sometimes the stress of packing and travelling can feel like they take over from the benefits of the holiday. Holiday visualisations take away all that effort. We are going to let go of any doubt around this first and then let our mind tell us where we need to go. We are clearing the path to our healing place!
We are tapping and visualisting, all the tapping points are in my FREE Marvellous Mornings Mini Course. I guide you through it in the audio but join the course for a video and tapping points PDF.
Remember to enjoy your mini break and to live life lightly!
Love from
P.S. Make sure you listen to the audio, you will really enjoy it.
Summary of the audio...
So first we are going to tap to clear any feelings that we might get this wrong. You cannot go wrong with your imagination! If you don't know how to tap go sign up for the FREE Marvellous Mornings Mini Course to watch the video and download the tapping points PDF.
Then we put our hands back on our hearts at the end of the round of tapping and breath easily.
Ask yourself where do you want to go on this vacation. Let whatever place pops into your head be the right place, maybe a beach, field, forest...the possibilities are endless. Think about it for a minute or two. Is it morning, afternoon or evening? Is the sun shining? Are there plants around you? This is the perfect place for you in this moment.
Now we need to use our senses to make it real for ourselves.
Keeping your eyes closed, hands still on your heart, what do you see around you? Take your time...look all around. Maybe find somewhere to sit and relax in this beautiful place your mind has brought you to. What do you hear? Are there sounds of nature, sounds of people, anything else? Remember this is for you, you can't be wrong.
What do you feel with your fingers? What can you touch? What are you sitting on? What does the ground feel like under your feet?
What can you smell? What can you taste?
Now, using your sixth body sense, what do you feel? Do you feel a sense of relaxation? Is there any tightness in your body? Keep breathing and let it go.
Relax, restore and rejuvenate!
Photo by Johannes W on Unsplash