Bringing Light

Imagine how the world would be different, if we all looked for times that we could make people happier. When you do something for somebody else it makes them happier but it also makes you happier too. It has to be done with the right intention, though. Doing something out of obligation does no good for anyone as the recipient feels the negative energy.
So my quick suggestion for today is to find a stranger and give them a compliment. I did this yesterday. I was walking into a grocery shop and there was a lady who happened to be beside me. She was wearing a lovely woolly hat with a pink bobble. I was thinking how nice it was. Since she was walking beside me I decide to tell her. Her reaction was fabulous. She literally lit up!
This is something I do all the time. If I see someone doing their garden, I tell them they are doing a great job. I endlessly tell people their dogs are cute! It is also interesting to see how other people take a compliment. Do they say thanks or do they shrug it off? Often this depends on whether you say something about them, their dog or what they are doing. It can be easier to accept praise for something we do rather than who we are.
This is worth putting some thought into. How do you react when you receive a compliment? Where do you feel it in your body? Firstly, we do know in our bodies, if the compliment is sincere or not. Assuming it is well meant, how do you feel? Can you let those good feelings flow through your body? Do you say "thanks" or do you shrug it off.
Try it with yourself...look in a mirror and tell yourself you are great and perfect just the way your are. Is there any tightness in your body? Focus on that area and let it the energy flow. Breathe and let it soften and flow till it starts to release.
Now, off you go for a walk and find someone or something to praise. Make sure you really mean it and see how it makes you feel. If it makes you uncomfortable, you can use your modern energy tapping to clear it or send me an email and we can set up a time to work through it.
If you want to learn modern energy tapping, the best way to release all the things that are holding you back from happiness, start with my FREE Marvellous Mornings Mini Course. I teach you the most fun technique to use to pick your best emotions every day and enjoy life regardless of what it going on around you.