A simple way out of worry

I love you.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
These words of the ho'oponopono prayer run through my mind frequently regardless of what is going on with my life. There are many books and websites around with details. Zero Limits is a fascinating book to start with. It tells the story of Dr Ihaleakala Hew Len who helped heal a ward of mentally ill patients by just repeating this endlessly. It also gives you ways the prayer will help you.
Ho'oponopono is all about taking responsibility for everything that is going on with your life and creating freedom from your past. It is an ancient Hawaiian prayer. I find it to be a great way of clearing my mind of negative thinking. When I start saying it over and over, at first it just seems to occupy my mind but as I continue I often find myself feeling better.
I am keeping my blog short this week as my darling dog Flapjack is in the vet with issues with his pancreas and liver. I am drained from both worry and physically looking after him when they send him home at night time. Every time I feel myself falling into fear and worry, I know I need to stop myself so I repeat...
I love you.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
You can also use it as you go to bed at night by asking your unconscious mind to continue saying it as you sleep. It should help you bring more of what you want into your life.