What lies in your energy field?

If you tell the truth it becomes part of your past...if you tell a lie it becomes part of your future...

Telling the truth is not always easy, sometimes we fall into the trap of not wanting to hurt someones feelings.  Little lies come and go but bigger ones need to be kept track of.  They stay in our energy fields and drain us, not to mention the effect on our karma.  

I like to think I am a good person.  I tell the truth most of the time,  I usually know when I am triggered by someone and I work to not let myself fall into the traps of the triggering.  

I have an acquaintance who I bump into every so often.  There is something about the way she talks about her children that makes me want to tell her that Matthew (my son) is amazing.  I rarely feel the need to do this otherwise.  I know he is happy and fulfilled and that is enough for me.  I cannot find the root cause of how this lady triggers me, other than the fact that we had been quite good friends years ago and now we are not and I honestly have no idea why.  I bump into her when I am walking every so often and nearly always come away wondering how I got sucked into what feels like a my children are better than your's conversation.  I don't lie to her but I don't like the way I end up talking either.  Self awareness is the key, as always and I am pleased to say that the last time I met her I behaved much more like my true self and just congratulated her on how amazing her kids are.

So back to telling lies, we can get triggered by random events or something someone says to us and fall into a spiral of stupidity.  Catching yourself before you go too far is one of the best things you can do for yourself.  When I look at my past, particularly when I was in my late teens, I told lies but I know now I was looking for significance, which is one of our basic human needs.  I have a whole session on human needs in my 12 week coaching program, as I think they are so valuable to understand.  

I do lie to my mother,  I don't like to do it but sometimes it is best.  We went on a holiday, a couple of years ago and I did not tell her.  The nurses had told me that this was the thing to do.  I will never do it again.  It required so much energy not to mention it when we came home that I was exhausted.  Now I try to tell her something that closely resembles the truth.  The issue is that she worries, panics and generally assumes we will all die.  My current energy drain is that we are not telling her that our son is going to California for a semester starting next January.  It has been fine till recently but now so many of his decisions for going back to college in September revolve around this that it is top of my mind.  I nearly mentioned it when I was visiting my mother and just caught myself as I started the sentence.  I felt traumatised!  I know it is for the best as we would have to live through 5 extra months of panic and we will tell her in January, but in the meantime it is a huge pressure to keep up the lie.

If we are quiet inside when we are talking to people we will intuitively know if they are telling the truth or not.  We can tell by their eyes, we can tell by their body language and we can just tell by their energy.  Next time you are with someone and they are saying something that does not ring true for you, breathe into your heart and see if you can quiet your thoughts...you will know.


Photo by Daniil Kuželev on Unsplash