What happens to your life when you bang your toe?

As I tapped on writing my blog this morning and thought about my emotions a line from a song came into my head....
"I can see clearly now the rain has gone".
This describes our emotions exactly. They are reactions to what is going on inside our heads. They are like the rain.
When we clear our emotional reaction to something, we can see clearly!
Our emotions are the feedback from our energy system as to how you are getting on in your life. No more and no less, just that. Some of our issues with them revolve around the fact that we don't just let them flow and take the feedback, particularly when they are negative.
Say, for instance, I am feeling happy. My energy is flowing well, my thoughts are positive and all is well in my world, at this moment. Now when I forget to look where I am going and bang my little toe, my thoughts change. First, I have the pain of my toe. That is real but the emotions around it are not. I have a choice...(assuming it is a minor bang!)
I can walk it off, take the feedback that I ought to pay attention to where I am putting my feet and go back to happiness.
Unfortunately when something like this happens in our lives, we have a tendency to put our attention on the negative. We tell ourselves all sorts of stuff, like how clumsy we are, how much it hurts, how often this happens etc. This is the point to catch ourselves and stop the negativity. We can easily feel our emotions spiraling down so we need to stop. They are doing what they are supposed to do...giving us feedback about how we are creating our lives in that moment. Remember, we get what we focus on.
A great question to ask ourselves at this point is "what is true?". Were we just not paying attention and we need to move on? For me, this is usually the case. I get rushed, let myself get hassled, and then I stop watching where I am putting my feet. Once I see this is all it is, I can forget the incident and go back to happiness easily.
This literally applies to everything in our lives, although it can be more difficult to do in more complicated circumstances. This week, stay aware of your emotions and when they are negative stop and see what you are focusing on. Are you letting yourself make up lots of thoughts that may or may not be true?
Could you let them go? Would you let them go? When?
The answers to these questions are yes, yes, now! Keep asking them until your thoughts flow a little more positively. It really works. (It is the Sedona Method, by the way!)
On a side note, I also learned a lot this morning about how the internet sucks you in. I looked up the song on YouTube, was delighted to find the Hothouse Flowers sang it and then got sucked into watching lots of different videos! The only benefit was that at least they were music videos and not cute cats so I could work with them on in the background.
This was my other favourite of their songs....Don't go
Photo by Inge Maria on Unsplash