Time in a bottle

I was thinking today about what I would like to write about and I came across this question...
Am I any closer to my dreams than I was last year? August or September always feels like the new year to me. It is the start of new school or college years and a great time after the summer to set yourself up for goals to achieve by the end of the year. There is enough time to actually do something.
As I thought about this, initially it was a bit scary as the first answer was no, I found myself humming Jim Croce's "Time in a bottle". Here is a link to it on YouTube if you want to listen. I was particularly drawn to the idea of words making wishes come true....what would I write about my wishes?
I get all caught up in my head when I think about my life (overthinking seems to be one of my hobbies!). I have so much to be grateful for it often seems wrong to want more. On the other hand, I know I am here to live my soul purpose and I am so much more content when I am living in alignment with my soul's gifts.
And, yes, I am much closer to my dreams than last year. So much has happened in the last year, some things have changed dramatically and some not at all, in all the areas of our lives.
We are all different, obviously, What works for some people does not work for others. Take vision boards, as an example. Everyone seems to tell you that you need a vision board to get through life, not me. I have tried them but within a day or two they fade into the background and I never notice them again. (Unfortunately, they are in the same category in my mind as plants, which I never notice again once I have put them somewhere...until much later when I spot the remains of the poor never watered plant.)
Lists work for me, I am much more orientated toward words than pictures. Think about your dreams for your future...it can be a few weeks ahead, a few months or even years. I have a big idea in my head for how I would like my days to be in the future but I mostly try to focus on about three months ahead when I set specific goals, These feel within my reach and I can think of specific tasks I would like to do.
Mindset is very important to everyone who is looking at their future. The biggest shift you can make is to change from looking at the things you "have to do" to the things you "get to do". I do so many things that I love to do...writing blogs, being on of them. If I am not careful with my mindset they can also become a chore.
So over the next few day, set up some time to focus on where you would like to be in your life before the start of 2020. You can write about a day in your life at the beginning of the new year, make a vision board with words or pictures of what your life will be like or simply write a list of what you would like to get done. Focus on the next three months, which then gives you December to finish up the things you have not gotten to and start to plan for 2020.
As I listen once more to "Time in a Bottle" the next thing that struck me is that the person we should want to go through time with is ourselves. Yes, it is lovely to have people on the journey with you but we do really need to be happy within ourselves and not looking outside for affirmation. So, to the bottom of your vision board or list put in some words about who you want to be. Who is the true you? What are the qualities you love most about yourself and how can you express them more in your every day life?
Photo by Brianna Fairhurst on Unsplash