How can another decade be nearly over?

Time is what you make of it. Sometimes if flies and sometimes it drags. There are studies that say that this is actually true since time is created in our minds rather than out there.
I saw this image on Facebook (when I was wasting time!) the other day and it really appealed to me.
We make such big deals of the beginning and ends of things, particularly years and decades. I remember as a child thinking about how old I would be in the year 2000. It is alarming to think that two decades have passed since. I really don't feel a day older!
It is great to reflect on how far you have come but not a good idea to get sucked into all the things you could have done better.
We live and learn, as far as I am concerned it is one of the principles of life...we do something that makes us unhappy so we learn from it and do the opposite next time or at least do it slightly differently! I am endlessly telling that to my son Matthew. Particularly in relation to tests and exams. If he did well, great, we talk and emphasise the things that made a difference. If he did worse than he wanted, what would he do better next time, make a mental (or physical, if it is really important!) and move on. We have been doing this since he was doing spelling tests as a very small child and it has served him really well.
Reflection is great, so long as you keep it positive. Your energy level in any given moment affects your perspective so if you are planning to reflect on 2019 so far or the last decade, make sure you do some tapping first. If your energy level is low, you will have a much more negative outlook and perspective on what has happened to you. When you are full of energy, life seems more simple and it is easier to move forward. It is also easier to deal with anything that comes your way.
So do some tapping and then ask yourself empowering questions like:
What has been great in 2019?
What area of life am I really happy in?
What did I learn about myself when tough things happened?
Over the next few weeks I am going to be posting more of these questions on Facebook and Instagram so follow me there so you can close your year on a positive note.
I am also running a free tapping group on Facebook which will start on the 9th December for a week of positive tapping to set yourself up for family interactions and holiday potential stresses! All the details will be on my Facebook page. I will teach you to tap and we will work through some positive emotions you would like to feel during the holidays.
Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash