Where do you get your sunshine?

Sunshine is a source of life.  People seem to be in a better humour when there is sun, particularly in Ireland where we never know, from minute to minute if it will be sunny or not!

Summer in Dublin, summer anywhere is a time of growth, thinking about life and enjoying the warmth.  There is such healing power in the sun.  Keep reading for a wonderful sun healing technique that you can even do indoors when it is raining!

Summer is a time to think about what you love to do.  Everyone seems to take things a little easier, even if it is only a little!  I love to walk in the woods, it grounds me and calms me.  I do not take enough time to do it though so I am making it a priority for August.  Think of something that you love to do that energises you and make it a priority in your life.

I spent last week feeling depressed.  I rarely fall into depression any more but this time I could not even get myself to tap.  Life suddenly seemed overwhelming.  I dragged myself though a couple of day and then finally got up one morning and said "no more".  I did my morning journal and my modern energy tapping and life became easier again.  I was more connected to my true self and I could genuinely think clearer.  That is the power of tapping with intention.  

So, what else can you do if life is getting you down?  Yes, we are back to my sunshine exercise...

If it is sunny, go outside.  Find even a little patch of sunlight.  Stand up tall and take three deep breaths.  Now close your eyes and let the sunshine warm your body.  Realise that the sunny air you are breathing is full of life and let it flow through your whole body as you breathe.  

Now, take a minute to scan your body.  Is there stress anywhere?  Turn your body so the sun is shining directly on that spot and let the high, vibrant energy of the sun work itself into the block and help it to release.  Keep breathing deeply.  Pay attention to the sensations in your body and energy field as the sun helps the stuck energy to soften and flow.  How do you feel now?  Maybe you have another tight spot or maybe you want to let the sun work it's magic on your whole energy field.  I love to turn slowly with my arms open wide as I do this.  Allow the sun's energy flow through you as fast or as slow as you need until you feel alive and grateful for life.  This exercise is particularly helpful if you are feeling depressed.  It is so simple to do, even if you are feeling completely overwhelmed as I was last week, you can probably persuade yourself to stand in the sunshine for even two or three minutes.  

If you come across this, and it is the depths of winter, you can still do this exercise.  Stand near a window with some daylight, if you can.  Imagine that strong, powerful, healing sunshine beating through the clouds overhead and warming your body.  Even if it is night time you can see the sunshine in the sky in your minds eye and carry on with the exercise or do the same with the moonlight.

You can also use this technique if you are procrastinating.  Think of something you need to do or that you are stressed about.  Where do you feel it in your energy field or body?  Let the sunlight soften that area and breathe through it.  Try it, you will feel better.  




Photo by Matthew McCormack