Baby steps forward when you feel like standing still

What do you do when you are not feeling your best? When there is something to worry about it can consume all your energy if you let it.
For me, there are levels of feeling out of sorts. I nearly always feel better if I actually do something but I often find it hard to get started when I let myself go on the downward spiral. I have been sliding down the spiral for the last few weeks and have not even had the energy to tap. This, of course, is the height of stupidity as I know that tapping will help immediately and at least get me to the point of wanting to do more.
Baby steps in the right direction is nearly always the answer. Do you have a list of potential baby steps you can take if you have an off day? I have one in my journal which I look at when I need a boost.
My top five are:
- tapping
- baking
- chatting to a friend
- walking or other easy exercise
- reading
I love to read but since it is not active, it helps but does not put me in a frame of mind to go forward. All the others get me body or my brain working on a more positive track.
Worry, as I said, can use up all your energy. A great way to deal with worrying is to ask yourself - is there something positive I can do now about the thing I am worrying about? If not then work on letting it go. Tapping works really well for this. If you would like a free session to release a worry, book a free clarity call with me. We will just add some positives to the way you are feeling in the moment. This is particularly powerful when two of us do it together.
So make your list for the next time you are feeling down and pay attention to how you are feeling. See if you can catch yourself before you fall too far down the spiral. Pick one of the things on your list and do it, remembering to add a little bit of gratitude that you are here....
Remember "Problems are a sign of life!"
Photo by Geremi Gascon on Unsplash