Springing into self growth

So we are really into spring, a time of new beginnings. This is really important for me this year as life has been difficult so far this year. It started with a few days in January when I was feeling off and life spiralled down from there. So many things were happening and I forgot to do the things that bring me joy, like writing blogs! I was blessed to have some clients for Soul Realignment readings and some coaching over the period so I did not loose myself completely.
I took on a role of observer in my life and looked at all my reactions to the things that were happening. I had a few very important realisations.
Firstly when life gets tough, I get very busy. This helps me both to get through what is going on and also to put my feelings to one side for the moment. In the long run, I get overtired and worn down so I need to make sure to take some time to put myself first. I also need to pace myself and to ask for help, when I need it.
Secondly, it was really interesting to observe how much I was able to let my mind get out of control. I had been feeling really burdened with some of the parts of my life and, low and behold, this manifested in my body with an infection in my shoulder....Yes, I had been feeling like the weight of the world was on my shoulder and I had got myself to the point where I had the physical problem. This led to around 10 trips to the clinic and the hospital for very minor surgery and dressings. Every time I went for a dressing, I nearly got sick with the fear. I was aware I was doing this to myself doing this but could not even get up the energy to tap. Completely crazy since tapping is a huge part of my life and I knew in my heart that it would help! Each trip to the hospital, most of which only lasted for about 10 minutes, took the best part of the day in my mind. I got up in the morning dreading it and then was so exhausted afterwards that I had to sleep for a while. What a crazy waste of my days, particularly when I have all the techniques (like modern energy tapping) literally at my finger tips!
Take some time this week to see how you are responding to your situations in life. Are you taking care of yourself? Sometimes we need tough love and to give ourselves a quick kick back into action. This is also self care, although it may not feel like it.
Now that the infection is gone and I can dress it myself, I am finally back on track doing the things that I love. I wonder how I let two months of my life pass me by? What can I learn from this? I feel the difference in my body and soul as I begin to get back to doing what I love with my life, coaching, writing and tapping.
Soul Realignment readings also bring me great joy. It is so incredible to be able to help people to see the patterns that are occurring in their lives and how to change them for the better. Check out my webpage if you want to know more.
My Tapping Transformation program will be coming really soon, now that I am back on track. If you have not already signed up for my free Marvellous Mornings Course, click on the link now and get a preview of how easy it is to change the way you feel.
Photo by Nagy Arnold on Unsplash