What I learned from a pigeon!

Today I decided to start my day by doing something I love. So I made banana muffins! I created both some time for myself and a delicious treat for later. It felt great to have accomplished something simple. I am going to do this more often.
I sat down at my desk to tap and journal. My word to tap today was "forward". I need to get some serious forward momentum in my life. The great thing about tapping is that you get to the root of your issues really fast without any trauma along the way. After only one round of tapping, when my hands were back on my heart, I asked myself "what do I need to move forward?". The answer was simple...self love. I have a enormous need to want to be perfect. This is stopping me from moving forward.
As I tapped on "self love" I could see so clearly how my thoughts are creating my life. I knew this already but it is so easy to get caught up in life and forget that we are creating it ourselves. Everything I am looking for outside of myself is already within me. The fact that I can see, hear, feel, perceive means that I, and you, have that source of wellbeing and resilience already there. inside me.
Where do you believe your experience is coming from? Is it coming from another person and what they said to you? Is it coming from your actions...what will happen if you do or do not do something? Or is it coming from how you think about these things?
We are living in the experience of our thinking. We can all be present in the moment and find our inner guidance. It is so easy to misunderstand the way life works and get stuck in our thinking and therefore our lives. The intelligence of life is within all of us. We can see this if we go to bed at night worrying about something and we wake up in the morning and know what to do. That intelligence has the answers to all your problems and questions. When I let myself go with the flow, life is so much easier. I do not stress and push and force myself to do things. Just like this morning with the muffins, I saw the bananas and rather than telling myself I had not got the time, I just started to bake. No planning, just enjoying the process.
If something is not going the way you would like it to ask yourself...Where is your experience coming from? Is it really coming from whatever is happening or is it your thinking?
As I am writing this, I see a pigeon outside my window. He appears to be building a nest as he is picking up sticks and flying off with them. They look to be much bigger than I would have thought he could carry. It is wonderful to watch. I have so much to learn from him...he is not overthinking the size of the stick or what he is doing! He is pottering about under the trees and then picking one and taking it off. He will be back a minute or so later to do it all again. There is a good chance that if he were behaving like a human, he would be sitting on branch somewhere wondering when the best time to start would be. If he were like me, he would be making a list of all the steps he needs to take and maybe analysing how many sticks he will need in total. He might also be wondering, if he will be able to do it at all or what the other pigeons will think of his nest if he ever gets started, let alone finished! Humans are blessed with a well developed mental body which allows them to think, learn and analyse life. It is important to remember we are creating it ourselves and if you are overthinking it can be holding you back from being yourself.
Happiness is you being you!
Photo by Vivek Doshi on Unsplash