Giant Leaps are terrifying but fun

Last week I wrote about the benefits of taking baby steps in the right direction. This weekend I completely discounted my own advice and took a huge leap out of my comfort zone. I went to Speaker School. We had to get up at the beginning of the day and give a three minute talk in front of the class. Someone else there equated it to extreme sports and certainly the adrenaline was running high. Later, after lots of teaching and learning we did our talk again. The difference was incredible. I am looking forward to using my knowledge and knowing that it didn't kill me! I used lots of my energy knowledge to get me through the day.
When we even think about doing something that scares us, we feel it in our bodies. Is there something you want to do that you are putting off? Think about it for a moment. Where do you feel it in your body? Can you touch it with your hands? Take a few deep breaths and see if you can let the tension go. Let it soften and flow and remember to keep breathing!
This works whenever you have a reaction to something. I was in a car with my husband driving along a motorway. Luckily he was driving. I happened to look up and there was a boy balancing on the handrail of a bridge over the road. It nearly gave me heart failure! I got such a shock. My brain automatically began to think about him falling. He looked so unbalanced. I could not even talk. Even now, just thinking about it makes my chest tight.
I assume he was fine since I did not hear anything about it since and I imagine it would have caused uproar in the news. This is the type of bridge I am talking about....and he was up on the railing over the middle of the road!
So I used the "emotion in motion" technique and I am going to do it again now as I can still feel the block in my chest. I put my hands where I feel the restriction and breathe. I visualise that block. It is black, square and pretty solid. I think I will add some of my favourite pink! I am saying to myself, let it soften and flow. I feel it begin to dissipate. I keep breathing for a few minutes.
This works for anything that gives you a shock, puts you out of your comfort zone or even makes you feel a little uncomfortable. Our emotions are our bodies way of telling us about the state of our energy field. Negative emotions should be a trigger to check your energy and do something like the simple exercise above till it is cleared.
What is holding you back from something you want to do in your life?
Feel it in your body and then let it soften and flow!
Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash