Busy or purposeful?

It seems sometimes that every one is busy, everyone is rushing and ticking more things off their lists. I can certainly be accused of that. I get caught up in the daily tasks and forget what is important in life.
Family and friends are one of the most valued parts of my life. Sometimes I feel I am a great friend and sometimes I let it all go. How many times have we all thought of reaching out to someone and then forgotten again because we cannot do it in the moment.
Being the person you want to meet, is a great way to live your life. it goes along nicely with my other motto for life which is be the person who lights up the room when they come in not when they go out! We can all find it easy to fall into complaining and sometimes we do need to get the feeling out of our system but going into a downward spiral is not helpful. We are bringing ourselves down and who ever we are talking to also.
Our future is made up of the choices we are making in the present, These are affected by the choices we have made up until now. Who you are in this moment is a direct effect of the choices you have made, either in this life or in past lives.
Choose to be the person you want to meet, spend some time thinking about who that person is, what do they love to do, how do they act, how do they feel inside, what habits do they have?
You can take these characteristics and make them your own by tapping on them. Follow through with my Marvellous Mornings free course and see what a difference it makes.
I have three words I love to live my life by - love, presence and congruence. I want to show love to the people I am with, be present with them and be congruent within myself. As you can imagine, this is harder to do than you would think but it is great to have something to aim for. Start today by thinking of the three words that you would like to live by and pick a habit that will support you. Commit to doing it every day!
If you want to choose energy tapping as the supporting habit, have a look at my short coaching program, Your Tapping Transformation. We get three session together as part of the program and during the 21 days you can ingrain a new habit that will support you forever.
Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash