Reading for your life

Choosing what to read has been high in my thoughts this week as my co-authored book, Activate your Life Volume II is released on Amazon. It is free on Kindle right now so make sure to grab a copy. It's a great read.
We can read to make things better or to pass time and relax. Life is great when you are doing both. I love to read romance novels but they don't teach me much so I also spend time reading books that open my mind. My favourite of all time is The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks. The principles in this book have been on my mind this week since I manifested myself a migraine and sore throat just as Activate your Life was going live on Amazon.
One of the main principles in the big leap is that we all have a certain amount of happiness and success we think we are due. If we see or feel ourselves going over that we do or think something to bring ourselves down again. The idea of being an author definitely terrified me on some levels. Oh my goodness, the chapter I had written would be seen by the world!
Luckily, I realised what was happening and put myself back on track. That may change tomorrow when I am being interviewed by the publisher of the book.
So I am going to keep this short and get back to my tapping and journaling so that I am calm tomorrow. I love what I do and I know I just need to be myself...great advice for us all!
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Photo by Robert Anasch on Unsplash